Quotes About Relationship Problems

The following quote is a great quote for you to know more about your relationship in order to be better. Every person, male or female want healthy relationships, intimate and warm. But the problems that exist in a relationship, often making the relationship fell apart. The relationship fell apart because of not finding the right solution to solve the problem.

I got this knowledge from Alexandra Fox. A lot of knowledge to find a way, that my relationship problems with my lover can be overcome. Do you want to know a few quotes about relationship problems?

Here we go…!

Dear Lady,

I know it’s been said over and over, but it does bear repeating. When it comes to making a relationship last, it all boils down to the emotional bond you and your man share.

Looks and money have nothing to do with it. [Think Mel Gibson] It’s something that goes much deeper than that. It’s about reaching the point when you and your man simply can’t help but do things for each other. Even the littlest things will mean a lot when the emotional bond is in place!

There’s just one problem most times, the emotional bond only goes one-way.

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Take a look back at your past failed relationships. You can probably remember some relationships when you felt that STRONG EMOTIONAL ATTRACTION to him… but he didn’t.

And it was enough to make the relationship fall apart after a while, no matter how well it seemed to start.

If you’ve had a few relationships in the past, then I’m pretty sure you’ve gone through this painful scenario at least once!

But of course, there’s good news. Even if a guy doesn’t initially “feel it” for you, there are still ways to awaken that elusive “emotional attraction” in him.

And here’s even better news; there are two ways to do it. There’s the ordinary way, and there’s the FUN way.

And of course, I prefer the FUN way!

The FUN Way To Establish An Unbreakable Emotional Bond

First of all, you’ll have to come to terms with an ugly fact about the dating game: Most men out there simply aren’t ready for a commitment, even when they

say they are.

In that sense, the odds are against you that establishing the emotional bond will be easy. If a man doesn’t feel it for you to begin with, it’ll be harder to MAKE him feel it for you later on.

It’s not IMPOSSIBLE, mind you. It’s just a bigger challenge.

But that shouldn’t worry you. Nothing big ever comes easy anyway. And if you’re the kind of woman the real men out there look for, then you’ll love the challenge, anyway!

What makes the “fun way” fun is simply the fact that it doesn’t follow the rules. Some people insist that doing things by the book (e.g. being polite, laughing at his jokes, splitting the bill, etc.) is the best way. I simply beg to differ.

My own personal style revolves around the art of seduction. It’s knowing how to speak, act, and think in such a way that it TRIGGERS a man’s emotional attraction towards you.

And yup, it works even if you’re not the smartest, the sexiest, or the prettiest. When you know the secrets of seduction, and when you successfully seduce your way into a man’s heart, you’re immediately the smartest, sexiest, and prettiest to him!

Why Trying To Make A Relationship Work Doesn’t, Well, Work

Here’s another ugly fact about the dating game that I believe every woman should swallow. There’s nothing you can DIRECTLY do to him that will make him fall in love with you.

I often get e-mails from readers who ask why their men never seem to be able to commit to a more serious relationship with them. If they’re only dating, the guy doesn’t seem to be interested in going steady. If they’re going steady, the guy seems to be terrified of the concept of marriage. You know how it goes.

And it doesn’t seem to matter what my readers do. Gifts don’t work. Favors don’t work. Even free sex doesn’t work.

I often feel sad when I get e-mails like these. My readers are learning things the hard way; you can’t DIRECTLY make a man fall in love with you.

In other words, you can’t “push” him to fall in love with you.

But here’s the good news; while you can’t “push” him, you CAN “pull” him in!

And that’s basically the essence of seduction; being so physically, intellectually, and emotionally attractive to a man that he can’t help but get reeled in.

How To Reel Him In

Here’s a secret about how men fall in love. Men are almost instantly attracted to good-looking women, but that’s not necessarily love just yet. It’s just step number one; physical attraction.

Step number two happens a while after you introduce yourselves to each other. This is the part when he gets an idea of whether you have the personality and the smarts to back up your looks. In other words, step number two is where INTELLECTUAL attraction comes in.

But it doesn’t end there, either. First impressions don’t necessarily last. [If they did, there wouldn't be any need for the dating game!]

There’s a reason why people date for weeks, months, and even years after meeting each other. Eventually, even the smartest men get tired of intellectual attraction. He’ll need something that’s

more primal and more natural.

And that’s the EMOTIONAL attraction.

It’s the “human” version of what Mother Nature instilled in all living things; the need to find a mate, to settle down, and to perpetuate the species!

So when it comes to physical attraction, some good fashion sense and keeping up with the trends will be enough. When it comes to intellectual attraction, you can help trigger it if you’re smart enough to read, stay in touch with current events, and watch the Discovery Channel.

But when it comes to emotional attraction, you’ll need to learn to learn the art of SEDUCTION.

The Art Of Seduction

The art of seduction is actually simpler than you think. It’s just because they don’t teach it in school [and because mainstream media often paints a bad image of it] that you’ve never heard about it until you started reading my articles and e-books!

You’ll be surprised at how a well-placed wink will leave a more lasting impression on him than two hours of “intellectual” conversation.

Or how an appropriate double-meaning joke will leave him thinking about you long after he drops you off at your apartment.

Or how the right kinds of body language will make him WANT to schedule a second date with you long before the first one is over.

There’s SO much to learn about seduction. And, as I’ve said before, it’s SO MUCH FUN.

I’d love to show you just how fun. It’s all in my e-book collection, the 77 Secrets of Seduction. The e book [and the free e-books that go with it] have everything you need to know about the art of seduction, and how you can apply it to any situation in a developing relationship with a man.

Do you want to know more quotes about relationship problems? Maybe this can help you to find out solution of your relationship with your lover > Relationship Problems and Solutions.
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