3 Guides to The Different Varieties of Christmas Tree

When it comes to Christmas trees not all species were created equally. So before rushing out to get a Christmas tree for your living room why not consider which type of tree would be best for you and your family with this handy guide? We’ve split the trees into two types - traditional and non-drop (needle retaining).

1. Traditional

Norway Spruce: If you’re looking for the quintessential Christmas tree then look no further - the Norway spruce has both the look and smell of traditional Christmas. This is the tree of choice for many cities and large department stores and hotels - in fact, the Christmas tree on display in Trafalgar Square is a Norway Spruce.

Omorica Spruce: This tree is a little darker than the Norway Spruce and has a narrower base, but otherwise it’s fairly similar. Its smaller size makes it perfect for families with smaller available space.

These trees lose their needles because they dry out easily. The trees dry out because they can’t get enough water through their roots. Couple that with central heating over the cold Christmas period and it’s no wonder some trees begin to shed their needles before some families have a chance to open their presents.

However, there are ways to extend the life of these Christmas trees. Sawing off the bottom inch of your tree and standing it in just water (not soil) that is topped up every day and making sure it is not placed next to direct heat are two great ways of preserving your Christmas tree needles. More information about how to extend the life of your tree is easily available online.

2. Non-drop

Nordmann Fir: this is perhaps the most popular non-drop Christmas tree, but the Nordmann Fir has a lot more to boast about than just needle retention. The reason it’s so popular is due to the fact its dark green needles aren’t sharp. The lack of pointy needles makes it a great choice if you want to decorate the tree with your children.

Scots Pine: the long needles on this tree give it a plump look that will last long after Christmas day because this species is considered to be the best needle-retaining tree available. As well as being a great non-drop choice, it also has a pleasant pine aroma that makes it the perfect centrepiece for any Christmas decoration.

While these non-drop trees don’t quite have the authentic Christmas tree look most people aren’t able to tell the difference - especially when the tree is decorated with tinsel, baubles and other ornaments. As well as looking greener for longer, there is also less mess to clean up with non-drop Christmas trees.

3. Fake trees

Of course, if you don’t want to get a real tree there are artificial alternatives. These trees can potentially last for many years, although doubts have been raised about how recyclable they are.

As well as plain fake trees there are also pre-lit trees, which come with lights already attached, as well as a wide variety of coloured trees.
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